Small Groups

Creating Sacred Small Groups.

During the last 25 years, I have led many small groups and offered numerous trainings throughout the country – most with the purpose of bringing people together in unity and equality.  Below are a few related to spirituality.

Contact me if you would like me to help start up a small group and train you in doing/leading this on your own.  Fee negotiated.

Inviting Silence

A meditation or centering prayer group- tends to be ongoing.

Dream Group

Based on Jeremy Taylor’s method of projection and learning with each other. Ongoing.

Practicing Lectio Divina Group

Expands to using Lectio (reading), audio (sound), and imagio (images) to reveal the Divine. Ongoing.

Making Art and Using Writing

To explore and go deeper into bringing forward spiritual experiences and integrating conscious and unconscious thoughts. Short Term.

“Our work as spiritual seekers and contemplatives is to see all of creation as woven together in holiness and to live this truth. In this loving act we begin to knit together all that has been torn . . .a way to bring healing presence to the world.”

— Christine Valters Paintner