Spiritual Companionship.
A companion on your journey.
I would like to listen for the Holy with you in a peaceful space filled with compassion. Meeting together as spiritual companions is your time to bring the broken world to the healing dance of harmony that lives within you. A “spiritual companion” is a person trained to provide deep supportive listening to another individual as they explore their spiritual journey.
I believe that within each of us is a desire to connect with God, Spirit, Mother, or Divine Mystery. Source or the Wild One initiates this invitation to deeper connection. We explore your experience of grace, freedom, sorrow, darkness and light.
Many of us come together as we feel isolated and alone. Cynthia Bourgeault writes that we have another level of awareness or knowing in us called our spiritual awareness which “thinks” by an innate perception of kinship, of belonging to the whole. We are thirsty for this experience of wholeness.
This is where we remember what Teilhard de Chardin said about love being the core energy of the universe – that love is the most powerful and still most unknown energy in the world. It is love that unites us with the light-filled presence of Spirit.
What begins in this life endures for all eternity, for God’s love is an everlasting love (Jer 31:3). Let’s listen with open hearts to experience and explore what being loved like this is all about.
What is spiritual companionship?
I thank Julian Cleary who described her experience as a spiritual companion in a newsletter with such depth:
“As a spiritual director, my task is to listen. I listen to the directee’s words and heart and listen for the whisper of Spirit in those words. At the same time, my deep listening is attuned to thoughts, images, feelings that may not be mine and that may be coming from the Spirit to the directee.” I often find that Spirit is in the quiet spaces of the session as I let go and lean into Spirit.”
A big difference between counseling and spiritual companions is that my role is to listen for the Spirit to guide us in a time of discernment and sharing, not as a therapist. This is a non-directive approach to help you navigate your own spiritual path.
Who is spiritual companionship for?
I meet with adults of all ages who say they want to talk about their direct experiences of the Holy with someone they trust.
Many people come to see me when they are feeling disconnected and want to go deeper into their faith, beliefs, and wisdom journey.
Some are discerning their work, relationships, new partners, and retiring.
A few come to ask: how will this decision of mine affect those who are weaker, poorer, or less powerful?
Others say that nature and their relationship to the Earth feels like where God is and want to explore this wonder.
What does a session look like?
I offer one 30-minute session at the beginning without charge so we can discuss your questions. We meet in person or on Zoom.
I usually see people once a month for 60 minutes. This is flexible. I charge from $65 to $90 based on need.
Often, we start our time in silence to make the transition to coming together for this time of grace. I may use a reading or prayer to open with if you choose. We can also do a guided meditation or walk outdoors in nature. We trust our bodies to guide us and build this in. Each one of you comes with preferences for what makes you open your heart.
Often, we use art and dreams and songs and poetry that you may bring. We make room for time to imagine, and to let go or surrender. We close asking for guidance, and in gratitude and blessing.
“Stunned to stillness by beauty, we remember who we are and why we are here. We are not alone. In the universe moves a Wild One whose gestures alter earth’s axis toward love.”
— Rebecca Parker, Winter Solstice